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Saurom Plaza Mayor (Villena)

Alestorm + Saurom + Stratovarius + Rata Blanca + Wind Rose + Tyr + Equilibrium + El Reno Renardo + Kalmah + Ars Amandi + Eihwar + Linkoln Park + Oceans Ate Alaska + Brian Downey + Evil Invaders Zona polideportiva (Villena)

Kiss the Night (Paul Stanley) + Halloween (Helloween) Poble Espanyol (Barcelona)

Kiss he Night (Tribute to Paul Stanley) + Halloween (Helloween tribute Band) Poble Espanyol (Barcelona)

The Slavers + Motörhits + Black Torth Grin Salamandra (L'Hospitalet (Bcn))

Whipping + Azrael + Easy Rider + JBP Montbau (Barcelona)

10 / 06 / 2015

Nou video de Parkway Drive: Vice Grip

Nou video de Parkway Drive: Vice Grip

El tema es diu Vice Grip i pertany a IRE que es publicarà el proper 25 de setembre a través d'Epitaph i més de la portada han publicat el tracklist del disc.

01 – “Destroyer”
02 – “Dying To Believe”
03 – “Vice Grip
04 – “Crushed”
05 – “Fractures”
06 – “Writings On The Wall”
07 – “Bottom Feeder”
08 – “The Sound Of Violence”
09 – “Vicious”
10 – “Dedicated”
11 – “A Deathless Song”

Sara Sánchez
Jesús Valverde
Jordi Pons Gibernau

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